Device Management

Management tools to ensure you get the best use out of your devices

Valley 365R provides you the ability to monitor & control devices remotely. In order for devices to get connected to your account, a dealer or a support team member will need to complete the device setup. They will need the serial number of the device that was purchased and installed in your field. You will find the serial number on the barcode label on the outside of the physical device.

Once the device has been connected to your account, it will be accessible from Valley 365 for you to begin using. Before you start to monitor & control, it's important to first know a few device management tips that will ensure proper use.

Device Configuration

Status Configuration

Device Access


Device Configuration

Each device requires configuration to ensure that it works properly. Your dealer or a support team member can help you make the right configuration selections based on your expected outcome.

To access device configuration, select the device that you would like to manage to get to the device page.

Then locate the gear icon in the device menu and select "Configuration".

From the Configuration page, you can edit many attributes about the device that will ensure proper use and function. Once all the edits have been made, select Save.



Many of the settings in Device Configuration will affect device displays as well as data and reporting that is generated for the device.


Status Configuration

Each device has a variety of valuable status details that can be monitored from the app. There are likely some status details that are more important to you than others.

In Valley 365, you can customize four status details to show in the grey section of each device card. Each device can have its own unique statuses or you can set them to all be the same - your choice!

To locate the current statuses, find the grey section on the right-hand side of the device you would like to monitor. To find additional status details and to change the configuration of the status details for this device, select the vertical three dots on the end of the card.

Continue to select the dots until the edit mode appears in the carrousel. You can make new selections from the dropdown lists in each of the four slots, then "Save".

 Once set, these same statuses will reflect anywhere the device is represented in the platform - both web and mobile. You can change them at any time to monitor different status details based on your need. If you would like to set all your devices to have one or more of the status details the same, then from the Valley 365 web platform you can access Status Configuration in the top toolbar. 

Select a device type from the dropdown and a list of all applicable devices will be displayed. These are the devices that will inherit any changes made once saved. To make adjustments to the status details select a dropdown in 1 of the 4 slots on the card graphic. Make your selections and select "Save". When you return to the main page of Valley 365 or on the mobile app, all these devices will now reflect the selections you have made.


Device Access

You can access each device on your account because access has been granted to you. For the devices on your account that you own, you will have full responsibility and access to do with it what you need. Other devices on your account are ones that are shared to you from other account device owners. You will have access to these shared devices as defined by the device owner. The access for shared devices can range from limited to full level of control.

If you own a device, you can share access to it with other user accounts for them to also access it. Select the device and navigate to the device page, scroll towards the bottom of the device controls and locate the Sharing widget. You will not have this widget if you do not own the device.

If the device is currently shared with anyone already, the list will display the current user accounts and their level of access. You can change or remove their access at any time.

To provide access to an additional user, select "Add Users". Enter the username of the account that you would like to share device access with, then select the level of access that you would like to provide this user account to the device. Access levels range from 'No Control' where the user account will have monitor-only abilities to 'Full Control', allowing similar access as your account, the device owner. Once you have made your inputs and selections, select "Save" to implement the changes. The additional user will now have access to this device.


With any questions or for assistance, please contact our support team at 1-888-223-0595.

For additional guidance on these device management topics, check out the following video on the Valley Irrigation YouTube channel.