Step Programs

How to program your device to operate step by step

Step programs are a convenient way to automate the operation of a device. A program tells a device to run a specific set of commands and conditions in a sequence. You can define up to 20 programs for each device which can be stored for use at any time in Valley 365. Similar to the Valley ICON panel, the last three programs are for Start$, Stop$, and Cycle$. The other 17 programs can be defined to your preference.

To get started, navigate to Valley 365 on the web and select a device.

  1. On the detail device view, locate the Programs widget.
  2. Select the grid graphic to navigate to the programs editor.
  3. Choose an open program slot you would like to use and select 'Add'.

To build a program, you will select a sequence of condition and commands. The condition is what needs to occur for the command to happen. When the condition is met, the command will occur.

  1. Select a Condition (Position, Direction or Delay).
  2. Enter the criteria for the selected condition.
  3. Select the Command to occur when this condition is met (Start/Stop, Direction, Water, Depth, Percentage, Aux 1 or Aux 2).
  4. Enter the criteria for the selected command.

Using the plus button, add the next Condition/Command set. Repeat this process until the program is fully defined according to your needs.

To remove a step in the sequence, use the delete button (trash icon) on the condition row. This will remove the condition and its commands.

In the example above, when this program is running, it will start by turning water on when the direction is forward. It will continue to run with water on in forward direction until it reaches 180 degrees, then turn water off, continuing to move forward until the device is manually stopped.

Once you have defined the program, you can Save, Send and/or Run the program from the program editor page. 

  • To save the program to Valley 365 and use at a later time, select 'Save Only'.
  • To save the program and also send it to store on the control panel in the same slot, select the 'Save & Send' button.
  • To save the program, send it to store on the panel and begin running the program now, select 'Save, Send & Run'.

Back on the programs list for this device, you can edit, run or stop a program at any time.

Delete a program from Valley 365 using the trash icon when it is not running. You will also need to delete from the panel or define a new program for this slot and send to override the previous program.

Once a program is sent to the panel and is edited from the panel, it will become out of sync and you will see an icon (shown right) indicating that the programs to not match. You can make the same changes to the program in Valley 365 or resend a Valley 365 defined program to override what is stored at the panel and become in sync.

The Running Man icon indicates which program is currently running for this device and the number values indicate which step of the total amount of steps are currently running.


With any questions, feel free to contact support at 1-888-223-0595. We're here to help!