Sincere Thanks for Your Business and Exciting Changes Ahead

The product development team at Valley looks forward to partnering with you for growing seasons to come.

Dear Valued Partner, 

We hope this message finds you well. On behalf of our entire Valley product development team, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support and patronage. It is because of loyal partners like you that we are able to grow, evolve, and strive for excellence in everything we do. 

We are excited to share some updates and changes that we believe will enhance your experience with our brand. Over the past few months, we have been diligently working on refining our technology brand strategy and product line to better serve your needs and expectations in an ever-changing dynamic world. 

To bring clarity and simplicity to our technology offering, we will be refining the branding of our applications and software initiatives.  As a result, you may notice subtle changes to your Valley, AgSense and Prospera applications in the coming weeks and months. 

Our commitment to delivering value is the cornerstone of our strategy. We recognize that your input and feedback are key to our success and product enhancements. As such, we are making a significant investment in performance improvement and reliability of our products. We are also increasing our focus on listening to your suggestions, incorporating your ideas, and adapting our products to better suit your needs. Your opinions matter greatly and play a crucial role in our continual improvement. 

We are confident that these changes will not only improve the quality and efficiency of our products but will also create a more personalized and enriched user experience for you and how we do business together. We are eager to unveil these enhancements in the coming weeks, and we truly believe you will appreciate the added value they bring. 

Once again, we thank you for your unwavering support and trust in Valley. We are excited about what the future holds and are delighted to have you with us on this journey. 


Stay tuned for more updates! 

Best Regards, 

Matt Ondrejko, Andy Carritt, Troy Long, and Ashley Anderson