Monitor, Basic, Enhanced or Pro

Decide what device service level works best for you

Depending on the type of hardware purchased from your dealer will determine what service level options are available for you to choose from. Service levels apply to the various Field Commander hardware types.

Type Monitor Basic Enhanced Pro
Field Commander View X      
Field Commander Lite X X    
Field Commander   X X X


Other irrigation monitor & control hardware types (ie. CommanderVP and ICONLink) are standard with Pro level service only.


Each service level has a set of features that you will be able to use when accessing this device from the software platform. Consider the following features that work best for your needs.

Service Level Features
Monitor Monitor Only
Basic Monitor & Stop
Enhanced Monitor, Stop, Speed Control, and End Gun Control
Pro Monitor, Start*, Stop, Direction Change*, End Gun Control, and Speed Control


*Functionality is not supported on all machine types. Refer to the Field Commander Installation Manual for information about how to test these functions.

Each service level has a subscription price that will be billed annually for use of the features from the app. 

Contact your dealer for current pricing on hardware and service level options.

Depending on your hardware selection, you can upgrade your service level at any time. Contact the support team or your dealer to upgrade as this may require some wiring changes to the hardware device.

With any questions, feel free to contact support at 1-888-223-0595. We're here to help!