Irrigation Reporting

Explore commonly used reports in Valley 365

The reports available in Valley 365R provide summaries of data across single or multiple devices connected to your account. Run reports for single dates, months, or a year at a time. All reports can be ran on-demand and viewed within Valley 365 or exported in a PDF or CSV format.

Access the powerful reports in Valley 365:

  1. Navigate to the "Reports" tab in the main menu.
  2. Select one of the many report types available from the dropdown and enter the parameters required to generate the report.

Water Reporting

When you need to summarize the water applied across all the devices tied to your account, there are a few handy reports to consider. Here are the most commonly used ones for this purpose and a summary of just a handful of the data points they provide.

Farm Level Reports Flow Time Flow Rate Gallons Pumped Dry vs Wet Hrs Total Hours Amount Applied
Flow Summaries X X X      
Pivot Summaries     X X X X
Pivot Panel Summaries     X X X X



Flow Summaries

When flow data is important to you, then this report will summarize flow details across all your devices.

Pivot Summaries

If you want to view water data that is tabulated and stored from the telemetry hardware (the device connected to Valley 365), then this report will provide this in a summaries format across all your devices.

Pivot Panel Summaries

If you want to view water data that is tabulated and stored in the control panel of the machine, then this report will provide this in a summaries format across all your machines.

Device Water Reports

Looking for detailed water reporting for an individual device? These reports provide different levels of water data for each device.

Device Level Reports Acres Watered Hours Pumped Gallons Pumped Inches Applied Average PSI
Applied/Slice by Angle X X X X X
Applied by Day/Month X X X X X
Gallons by Day/Month   X X    
Water District     X X  

Applied by Angle

One of the most common reports, this will summarize water application data for each angle covered by this device. View the data in a table format or graphically.

Applied by Day/Month

Similar to the by angle report, when you need to summarize the water application data for a device by a timeframe, then this report format will come in handy.

Gallons by Day/Month

Summarized pumping data over a given timeframe can be found in this helpful report.

Water District

This report was developed specifically so that you would have the most pertinent information summarized by device for water reporting to a local district.

To ensure proper data collection for reporting, make sure to configure each device properly including machine length, full run time, pressure, and flow rate.


With any questions, feel free to contact support at 1-888-223-0595. We're here to help!

For additional guidance on accessing these reports, check out the following video on the Valley Irrigation YouTube channel.