Getting Started in Valley 365

All you need to know to get started using Valley 365

Step 1: Download the app

Download the Valley 365R app on your smartphone using the links below, or search for "Valley 365" in the Apple or Google store, then download.


Step 2: Create an account

If you already have a user account for AgSenseR or WagNet, you do not need to create a new account. You can use your existing account to log in to Valley 365 in the next step.

In most cases, new accounts are created by new users themselves. If you do not already have an account and would like to create one on your own, you can do so from the new user registration process online.

1. Visit Valley 365 online at

2. Select the "New User" button.


3. Enter your desired username and provide a valid e-mail address.

4. Select the 'Create Account' button.

You will receive an email with a secure link to complete the account setup process. Follow the steps in the email to provide your account details and set a password that will be used with your username to login in the next step.

In some cases, a dealer or support team member will create a new account for users. The dealer or support team member will need to provide the username to you in order to begin using this account. If an account has been created for you, you will receive an email link in which to set the initial password. When you receive the email, select the link in the message and provide a preferred password that meets the required structure. 


Alternatively, existing users can create new accounts for others that would like to become users. Existing users can login and select "Create a User" from the app menu.

Complete the form with details about the new account and the new account owner will receive an emailed link to set the initial password for the account.

Either way, once a username has been selected and the password has been set, the new account owner can begin using the account.





Step 3: Log in


  1. Open the app on your mobile device
  2. Enter your username and password

Select the Remember Me checkbox so you don't have to re-enter your username and password the next time you open the app.

Step 4: Get connected

In order to make use of all the great features in Valley 365, you will need devices connected to your account. Contact your local certified technology dealer to learn about the device options and subscription pricing plan selections required to connect.


With any questions, feel free to contact support at 1-888-223-0595. We're here to help!