Alert Notifications

Set up alerts to receive notifications on the device events that are most important to you

Notifications for alert from Valley 365R can be delivered via text message (SMS) or e-mail. Based on the alerts you configure will determine which notifications may be sent. No alerts are configured by default, you must set them up to your preference.

Configuring Alerts

To configure alerts for devices connected to your account, navigate to the tab from the web app, then select “Alerts Configuration”. Create up to 10 sets of alerts from the Alerts Settings page.

  1. From the Alerts Settings page, begin by selecting “Create New”.
  2. Give this set of alerts a Name that helps you identify it (Example: Brad’s West Fields).
  3. Select a Contact that will receive these alerts from the dropdown. If the contact does not yet exist, you can create a new one by selecting “New Contact”.
  4. Once you have completed the above Information section, select the alerts you would like to enable for each device and "Save".

Apply selection to multiple devices quicker with the Bulk Selection tools to set up alerts by device type.

Managing Contacts

Create a list of contacts that you can use to assign to alerts by navigating to “Manage Contacts”. Similar to organizing contacts on your phone, create one contact per person, per method in which they will receive alert notifications.

Example: if Ashley would like to receive alert notifications to an email inbox, a personal mobile phone, and a work mobile phone, then 3 contacts would be created.

Contacts do not have to be existing Valley 365 users or have any access to devices - they can just receive a notification. Revisit the Contacts page any time you need to edit any contacts and their details. A contact can be deleted once it is no longer assigned to a set of alerts.

A single contact can be assigned to multiple sets of alerts as needed. Create unlimited amount of contacts.


Alerts generate once the conditions of the alert configurations are met for a device. When configured, alerts will generate notifications to the contact assigned. Notifications will be sent as soon as the alert has occurred and delivered via the contact method set up for the contact.
  • Text message alerts are sent via SMS by the carrier identified. Make sure to provide the mobile phone number in standard format, without a country code prefix.
  • Notifications set to send to an email address will generate an email from Make sure to check spam folders and make the sender as trusted to receive to your inbox going forward.

In addition to the notification via text or email, you will find a summary of generated alerts on the Alerts tab in Valley 365. This summary includes all alerts generated that have been configured from your account.

From the alerts summary, easily navigate to a device by selecting the alert from the list, then selecting the arrow in the details, then "Show Device".

Alert Tips

Want to set up the same set of alerts for multiple contacts?

  1. From the list of alerts on the Alerts Settings page, select “Create Duplicate” for the alerts set you would like to replicate.
  2. On the new set of alerts, select or create the Contact that you would like to assign the alerts to and “Save”.

Do you frequently rotate device responsibility between multiple people?

  1. Simply change the contact on a set of alerts by selecting “Edit”.
  2. Select or create the new Contact that you would like to assign the alerts to and “Save”. The previously assigned Contact will no longer receive these alerts, but will remain in the Contacts list for future use.

Want to stop receiving alerts temporarily?

  1. From the Alerts Settings page, find the alerts that you would like to stop receiving temporarily.
  2. Select "Mute Alerts". When you would like to again start receiving these alerts, select it again to unmute.

You can manage alerts (duplicate, mute, delete) from the Valley 365 mobile app once you have set them up from the web.

With any questions, feel free to contact support at 1-888-223-0595. We're here to help!