AgSense Alerts

Configure alerts on AgSense to receive notifications on device events

Notifications for alert events from AgSense can be delivered via text message (SMS) or e-mail. Based on the alerts you configure will determine which notifications may be sent. No alerts are configured by default, you must set them up to your preference.

On AgSense, navigate to the "Alerts" tab in the main menu. 

Configuring Alerts

Start by building the 'profile' of alerts. A 'profile' is a set of alerts configured for the recipient to receive. Create up to 10 profiles of alerts on your account and structure them how best makes sense for you. Example: by device type, by responsibility, by farm section, etc.

  1. From the "Select Profile" dropdown, select a profile slot that shows (EMPTY). This indicates that it is not yet used.
  2. Select or create a 'Recipient' for the alert notifications to be sent to.


After selecting a Recipient, make the selections for the alerts you would like this person to receive.

  • Use the Quick Alert Settings tab to apply selections in bulk across multiple devices by category.
  • Use the Advanced Alert Settings tab to apply selections to individual devices.

You can make selections for any device owned by or shared to your AgSense account. Once you have made all the alert selections you need, select "Save Settings".

Once you select a Recipient for this alert profile and Save, the profile will be named the same as the Recipient Name. If you would like to change the name of the profile to something of your choice, access Alert Settings on Valley 365.

If you need to edit an existing alert profile, select it from the dropdown, make any changes, and "Save Settings". To delete a profile and open a slot to be used for a new profile, then select it from the dropdown and select "Clear Profile".

Managing Recipients

An alert profile can only have one recipient, but a recipient can be reused on multiple profiles. You do not need to create a new recipient with the same details on each profile, you can select a pre-existing one from the dropdown. Build a list of recipients that can be swapped in and out of profiles as needed. Create one recipient per method of notification delivery.

Example: if Ashley would like to receive alert notifications to an email inbox, a personal mobile phone, and a work mobile phone, then 3 recipients would be created.

Navigate to the Alert Recipients tab to manage recipients.

Active Recipients are ones that are currently assigned to one or more alert profile(s).

Inactive Recipients are ones that are not currently assigned to an alert profile.


Edit the details of a recipient from AgSense by selecting one of the profiles that it is assigned to, make changes to the Name or Contact Information and then "Save Settings". You can also easily edit the detail of a recipient or delete inactive recipients from Valley 365

Alert Tips

Do you frequently rotate device responsibility between multiple people?

  1. Select the profile from the dropdown.
  2. Select or create the new Recipient that you would like to assign these alerts to and “Save Settings”. The previously assigned Recipient will no longer receive these alerts, but will remain in the Alert Recipients list for future use on this or other profiles.

Want to stop receiving alerts temporarily?

  1. Select the profile from the dropdown.
  2. In Profile Information section, toggle the "Receives Alerts" button to OFF. When you would like the recipient to again start receiving these alerts, select it again to turn to ON.